Newsletter October 2009 (165)
This version is provided for continuity of searchable newsletters on the Therfield Alumni website
for the full pdf version search for October 2009 in the News > Newsletters section of the school's website

Dear Parents

We seem to have reached the first half term of the year particularly quickly this year. It may be because it has been such an action packed half term. The new Year 7s have settled in very well and are already contributing to the school community. The Year 7 team building day at Thames Young Mariners was very positive with much fun being had by students and staff, even though due to the poor weather conditions they became as wet out of the water as in it.

Our first activity day where the whole school was involved in one of a range of activities was a great success, the activities included work experience, a trip to the Science Museum, a project on flight and activities related to health and citizenship.

The inter-house netball competition held a few weeks ago involved over 6oo competitors and Norbury, frequent sports cup winners, reluctantly conceded defeat with Polesden winning the event.

The Open Evening and prospective parent tours were attended by over 1000 parents and children and the responses we received were overwhelmingly positive. The most frequent comment was that the student guides were fantastic and a real credit to the school. I would like to thank all these students, and those who helped out on the evening, for their contribution to these events and for making such a positive impression on our visitors.

You will see in the newsletter that Mrs Alisha, Head of Design Technology is promoting a positive and proactive approach to good health. As part of this she would like to compile a Therfield recipe book, so please do email or post in those favourite family recipes.
Susan Willman

Ready to Learn
Please make sure that students are equipped properly for School as this has an effect on the class. To have the correct stationary and uniform enables classes to run smoothly and ensures that they are ‘ready to learn’ as they enter the class room. Thank you for your support in this matter.


Number of Students with 100% Attendance
Polesden 119
Norbury 111
Leith 97
Norbury 94

House points
Leith 3252
Polesden 3207
Norbury 3203
Juniper 2078

ICT/IT Professionals required
As part of the requirements of the A-level ICT course, students need to have a good understanding on the use of IT in different organisations. The ICT department are looking for any parents who work as an IT professional in an organisation and would be willing to come in to give a presentation about the use and impact of ICT. If you are prepared to come in and talk to the Year 13 ICT students, then please contact Mr. Bates via email ( Many thanks.


Inter-house Netball
1st Polesden
2nd Leith
3rd Norbury
4th Juniper

Year 7 1ST 7LUP, 2ND 7JRT, 3RD 7PMW
Year 8 1ST 8NGO, 2ND 8LRC, 3RD 8PEV
Year 9 1ST 9JWE, 2ND 9LRM 3RD 9JBN
Year 10 1ST 10PDF, 2ND 10PSI, 3RD JUNIPER
Year 11 1ST 11PMA, 2ND 11NHP, 3RD 11PCN

During the inter house Netball week the PE and Sport Faculty had over 600 students participating in extra curricular activities before school, at lunchtime and after school.


The Mathematics KS5 Team Challenge was won by year 12 students Brandon Jensen Sam Alexandra Chris Cox and Adam Malczewski after a closely fought contest. Prizes donated by pfeg were awarded by Mrs Foley and presented by Mrs Smith. Some of these students will also be representing the school at a Team Challenge at Guildford University in November.Wendy Foley Head of Mathematics

Year 10 module 1, year 11 module 3 and year 12 retake are underway. See notice board or ask your teacher for details.

Healthy Eating

Have you got a favourite recipe you would like to share with us?

Healthy Schools Update – Healthy Eating
Therfield School recognises the important connection between a healthy diet and a pupil’s ability to learn effectively and achieve high standards in school. We also recognise the role a school can play, as part of the larger community, to promote family health, and sustainable food and farming practices. As a school, we recognise that sharing food is a fundamental experience for all people; a primary way to nurture and celebrate our cultural diversity; and an excellent bridge for building friendships, and inter-generational bonds. Our mission is to improve the health of the entire community by teaching pupils and families ways to establish and maintain life-long healthy and environmentally sustainable eating habits. We will accomplish this mission through food education and skills (such as cooking), the food we serve in our canteen, and the academic content in the classroom.

How are we working towards fulfilling our mission? By improving the health of pupils, staff and their families by helping to influence their eating habits through increasing their knowledge and awareness of food issues, including what constitutes a healthy and environmentally sustainable diet, and hygienic food preparation and storage methods. By increasing pupils' knowledge of food production, manufacturing, distribution and marketing practices, and their impact on both health and the environment. By ensuring pupils are well nourished at school, and that every pupil has access to safe, tasty, and nutritious food, and a safe, easily available water supply during the school day. By ensuring that food provision in the school reflects the ethical and medical requirements of staff and pupils e.g. religious, ethnic, vegetarian, medical, and allergenic needs. By making the provision and consumption of food an enjoyable and safe experience.

How you can get involved: We would like to compile and publish a Therfield recipe book that will be filled with ideas for nutritious family meals; a range of well balanced lunch box recipes as well as ideas for those naughty but nice treats. We would love to include all your favourite recipes and would therefore like you to hand them in to the school office marked to the attention of Mrs Alisha or email them to


MFL European Languages Week.
To mark the European Day of Languages, which takes place every year on 26th September, the MFL Faculty held a series of language events in the last week of September. Special assemblies were held all week in which pupils saw a video showing teachers, pupils and kitchen staff practising their language skills-whether it is the French they learnt at school, their own first language or simply as a hobby, the people who took part proved that it’s not just French teachers who speak French - the theme of the week.

Pupils also had the opportunity to test their foreign language knowledge and win badges in a tutor time quiz and teachers took part in a languages challenge by using a foreign language in their geography, technology or PE lessons. Congratulations to Mrs Pickett who got the most points from her pupils for using Welsh and sign language in her maths lessons. On Friday the kitchen staff prepared a special menu which included French cassoulet and a version of German Black Forest gateau - delicious!


Activity Day

As part of the school activity day, 5 students accompanied two members of staff on a fishing trip to the River Mole in Leatherhead.

Students were shown how to unhook and handle fish safely along with learning about the local natural environment. Students observed Kingfishers, Herons, Mink and a solitary Black Headed Gull diving for fish all along a 100m stretch of the river, proving that wildlife is flourishing here.

Students caught a number of fish including Dace, Minnows and Pike. An excellent day was had by all, even if it was rather damp!
Mr Johnson


G+T News + MFL Clubs:
Philosophy café is back – Monday lunchtime in W3 from 1.20. Open to all in KS3. Refreshments will be served.
Mandarin Chinese is now on Wednesdays from 3.15 in N14. Letters from Ms Ensum
Latin + Roman Civilisation course has moved to Thursdays after school – from 3.15 in S8
Spanish Club will meet on Tuesdays in S5 from 1.20-1.50. Bring your lunch.

Other News


Visit the area of our website to see how you can pay online via a secure link with Surrey County Council. Details of the three week menu can be viewed together with other important information regarding the catering facilities offered to the students. Please also remember to bring in your lunch cards, there is not enough time during the lunch break for the canteen staff to manually input card numbers as this holds up service. If you require a replacement card this can be ordered through the Finance office and will cost £5.00. Mrs. C. Stedman Catering Manager Email: 01372 375089

Uniform Reminder
Can we take this opportunity to remind everyone about school uniform: ..
No black trainers .. No hoodies .. Girls Yrs 7-10 logo shirt, Yr 11 may wear shirt and tie .. All should be wearing a blazer Please can we ask for your support in ensuring that students are ready for the new term looking smart and in correct uniform – black shoes, not trainers or plimsolls included! Many thanks for your continued support.

Raise Funds for Therfield School -Leatherhead When You Shop Online easyfundraising is a shopping directory listing some of your favourite online stores, including Argos, Next, Amazon, Debenhams, John Lewis, Toys R Us, HMV and over 600 other top name stores. Whenever you shop with any one of them using the links provided on the easyfundraising site, you'll generate a free donation for us of up to 15% of the purchase price every time! It really is that simple! It's completely FREE to register and you won't pay a penny more for your shopping when you use the easyfundraising site. In fact you can even SAVE MONEY as many retailers give discounts, special offers and even 'e-vouchers' exclusive to easyfundraising. You can shop for holidays, flights, electronics, mobile phones, computing equipment, food, wine, pet supplies, finance, insurance and much more -and every purchase you make will raise funds for us at absolutely no cost to you! All you need to do is register for free at and use easyfundraising every time you shop online.

Please Support the school…...

Check out the Free Funds tab and enter competitions to win prizes, free trials or just receive newsletters from companies and they will donate money to the school.


Therfield School Uniform Suppliers


2 Nov 1 Mon Return to School
5 Nov 1 Thu GCSE Maths resit
6 Nov 1 Fri Y12 Safe Drive Stay Alive (tbc)
9 Nov 2 Mon GCSE English resit
10 Nov 2 Tue GCSE Maths resit
12 Nov 2 Thu GCSE English resit
13 Nov 2 Fri Y10 Maths module (pm)
16 Nov 1 Mon Interhouse Football week
19 Nov 1 Thu Y10 Modular Science Exam B1a & C1a
Y9 Modular triple Science B1a
20 Nov 1 Fri Y11 Reports home
23 Nov 2 Mon Year 11 Mocks begin
27 Nov 2 Fri Y10 Science ISA Biology exam
2 Dec 1 Wed
Y13 Parents evening
4 Dec 1 Fri Y11 Mock exams end Deadline for completion of NQT assessment report 1
7 Dec 2 Mon Vision2Learn Healthy Eating Unit 2 (morning tbc 28 Y11 students)
Y13 Drama exam week tbc
Leith House Charity Week
9 Dec 2 Wed Y10 Parents Evening
11 Dec 2 Fri HOUSE DAY
16 Dec 1 Wed Christmas Concert
17 Dec 1 Thu Presentation Evening
19 Dec Sat Christmas Break
3 Jan Sun Christmas Break
4 Jan 2 Mon Return to School

Autumn term Reports
-Year 11 reports home to parents 20th November 2009
-Year 7/8/9/10/12/13 reports home to parents 8th January 2010.

Lost Property
We have a lot of lost property. Anything not claimed a week after half term will be recycled. Also could parents please ensure that uniform is labelled. We do get items handed in, especially blazers, which we cannot return because they are not named.

Reminder to parents -Parents sign an agreement that students who cycle to school must wear a helmet , display a number plate and cycle responsibly. Failure to do so will incur points and can result in being banned from keeping bikes safely on site. Anyone who wishes to cycle may collect a pack from the School Office.